People frequently neglect mattress cleaning because it appears too challenging for them. The task can be completed by Mattress Cleaning Service Kelantan, who provides a range of services to meet your demands. Before you choose to clean your mattress yourself, give our service a try and think about working with a specialist who could be of use to you.
Cleaners with specialized training
Depending on your booking requirements, we will send you a competent service crew that will make sure to completely clean the mattress, increasing its lifespan.
A thorough vacuum
You will be in a state of surprise when the anti-gravity cyclone trap method is utilized for the cleaning. This method cleans the lines one at a time, making sure no bacteria is left behind.
Contact us anytime to schedule an appointment for cleaning your mattress in Kelantan.
No. Our service personnel will only clean your mattress, pillow(s), and bedframe.
No. We will conduct hydro cleaning on top of the mattress only.
No. We will conduct dry-cleaning to clean your pillow(s) but not the bolster.
Yes. We highly recommend that you change the bedsheet/protector after the service as your mattress has just been freshly cleaned.
Each cleaning service takes averagely 90 minutes to complete but the service duration may vary depending on the mattress size. After the service, you will need to wait for approximately 4 hours for the mattress to dry completely before use.
WonderKlean Care Plan is a policy in which an insured receives reimbursement from WonderKlean. This policy is designed to protect an insured in respect of the legal liability to pay compensation for accidental bodily injury or accidental damage to the property of the other person caused by or through the negligence of the insured or his employees or by any defect in the premises owned or any defects in the ways, works of the insured.
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